British Council scholarships for women in STEM 2022

British Council scholarships for women in STEM 2022

British Council scholarships for women in STEM 2022

Are you a woman with a degree or PhD in a STEM subject and passionate about your study? You could receive a scholarship to study a master’s degree, or an early academic fellowship, in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics programme at a leading UK university.

For the second year running, the British Council has launched a scholarship programme in partnership with 26 UK universities with the aim of benefiting women from the Americas, South Asia, South East Asia, Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine. We are looking for women with a background in STEM, who can demonstrate their need for financial support and who wish to inspire future generations of women to pursue careers in STEM.

Why a scholarship programme?

This scholarship programme aims to increase opportunities in STEM for girls and women. According to data from the UN Scientific Education and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), fewer than 30 percent of researchers worldwide are women and only 30 percent of female students select STEM-related fields in higher education.

Globally, female students’ enrolment is particularly low in Information and Communications Technology (three percent), natural science, mathematics and statistics (five percent), and engineering, manufacturing and construction (eight percent).
